Why Crafting Is Good For You!


Posted on 7th May 2018 by Emily
Filed under Creative And Inspiring Quotes

Why Craft Is Good For You

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  1. Relaxation – You can’t craft when you’re angry! Crafting helps you to unwind from stress and worry as it focuses your mind. As it is a creative process you need to concentrate on the here and now when crafting.
  2. Self-Expression- Craft is a form of self-expression, it is not just about he finished product, its about choosing the craft supplies you will use, the process of designing, making and the sense of achievement from learning new techniques.
  3. Repetition- Repetition has been shown to induce relaxation which is good for your mind. It allows your brain to switch off and reboot. Especially true of crafts like knitting, crochet and hand-stitching.
  4. Meet New People- Crafting can help you meet new people and join new and positive social circles on and offline. It’s a great way to get to know like-minded people you can chat to. If you’re feeling a little lonely, look for a local craft workshop and join in!
  5. Little Wins- Sometimes when you are unwell or feeling tired, achieving something creative like making a little thank you card, can be just what you need to stay positive.
  6. Stay connected- Making a handmade card or gift for a family member with a personal note inside will always be more meaningful than an email or text can ever be. It’s a tangible thing that they can hold and display. Their obvious pleasure will make you feel great.
  7. Help Others- When we help others we feel better within ourselves, there are lots of projects that you can join in with where you can hand make items, such as cards for charity.
  8.  Anti-depressant- Studies have shown that the act of being creative releases dopamine- the natural high feeling. So, when you say you’re addicted to craft you may be scientifically correct! 

Tagged: craft therapy

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