Framed Monstera Wall Art


Posted on 29th August 2022 by Samantha Burrow
Filed under Home decor

75888 Bd1 9 C67 43 Bb 906 F 7652 A6 Ff5885

Open Cricut Design Space and insert two square shapes. Resize these to your chosen frame size and colour them to match your base card colour.

E13 E9738 95 Ad 4599 870 B 75 Abdf5 Bc0 D6

In the images file search for image ID #MAEF3C53 and click Add.

162 E701 E 1732 436 E Ae7 E 75260 Cef08 Ec

Click on the Layers Panel and Ungroup the elements of the monstera image, then Detach the draw elements from the background cut element. Delete or hide the background cut element because we won’t be using that part. Making sure you have selected both draw elements with the remaining cut element together, adjust the size of the whole image to fit the base square and align centrally together.

0 Adf3 F8 C 0104 42 Cb B3 Fc 6 C0 C2 C5 E83 Ce

Select the first draw element of the monstera and in the Edit Panel choose the style and colour of pen you want the Cricut to draw in. Repeat this for the second draw element.

Dae2 Ab7 B C1 A2 4473 B029 D22398648668

Select the cut element of the monstera image and change the colour to match your chosen card colour.

730 Fa3 C8 E4 C5 4926 Bee3 50 B9 B2900 C51

In the Layers Panel select the base card layer with the two draw elements of the monstera image and click Attach. Now select the attached image with the cut element of the monstera image together and click Group.

2 B1 Cdd88 E1 Be 4352 Acea 97 Eaf6 B910 F3

Select the grouped images and create a Duplicate. In the Edit Panel, flip the duplicate horizontally to create the third frame piece.

Db6 C1543 E37 F 4311 Bdff 62137 E271 A5 C

In Images, search for image ID #M27FB5E4A and click Add to Canvas. Adjust the colour to match your first two frame pieces and resize to fit your card base shape. In the Layers Panel, select the image with the base card shape and click Group.

Ad04054 B 6 Fbb 4789 8 Ba5 E2 Bbc8 Ce4 Bf2

When you are happy with your cut, click Make It and follow the on screen instructions to complete the cut. Remembering the colours of your mats relate to your chosen card colours.

Using glue or double sided tape, fix the cut images onto the base card. Once everything is secure and dry, it is ready to frame and display.

Alternatively, why not use 3D foam pads to create some depth and frame inside a shadow or box frame.

2 Bd9 Ecca A5 C7 449 E A89 B 81 E12230 Fda4


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