Creating a simple spring wreath out of recycled paper flowers.


Posted on 9th April 2018 by Keji Aofiyebi
Filed under Wedding Stationary Business Advice, Meet the Wedding Stationer, All Papercraft Tutorials, Seasonal Crafts, Mothers Day Crafts, Easter Craft Ideas


It's me again.

A few weeks ago I took part in a bridal show, as a result I have a lot of pre made and used small paper flowers simply just lying around.

I'm always asked what I do with the old flowers.

Today I'm simply going to take you through one idea.

Material used

For this tutorial all the elements had been previously used so they are all prepped.

Img 0837

To start assembling start with layering the leaves at the base of the wreathe frame. This is where your silicon mat becomes very useful it will stop you ruining your work mat as its heat resistant.

Img 0831

Once you have finished putting the leaves on the base you now need to start placing your flowers. You can secure these on top on the leaves.

Img 0832

Once all the gaps are filled the project in done.

All in all this wreath should take you 30 mins to complete.

I hope you like it.

Img 0833

Tagged: paper flower, flower wreath

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